ExpLOD 🤯

Team ExpLOD built Unforgettable during the 2019 HackaLOD.

Team ExpLOD

The team are Matus, Jorim, Philo, Edward and Ben.


An interactive installation to let museum visitors explore the long tail of scarcely visited artworks of the Rijksmuseum & Volkenkunde collection, powered by Linked Open Data.

⚡️ Hacked in 19 hours during HackaLOD 2019 at Radio Kootwijk.

🏆 Winner of the HackaLOD Audience Award

🖼 Slides (PDF)

📰 NDE: "Winnaars HackaLOD 2019"

📰 KB: "Winnaars HackaLOD 2019"

📰 HackaLOD: "Teams & Resultaten"

Unforgettable video

Source code

Source code for the front end; source code for the LOD backend.